Sky Safari Lights Up Longleat
Our Sky Safari at Longleat was a huge success this week with hot air balloons flying on all eight launches, including our press flight and five mass ascents with 56 balloons!
Thursday and Saturday evening saw two stunning night glow’s light up Lodge Drive with 33 balloons reflecting in the lake for 10,000 visitors. Exclusive Ballooning’s Director, Andrew Holly, was choreographing the glow via radio and expertly coordinated all burns to the beat of the music.
We were thrilled to welcome international guests to Longleat, with pilots attending from Spain, Dubai and Alaska as well as our legendary announcer; Glen Moyer who flew in from Louisiana.
The weather could not have been more ideal on Sunday morning with all 56 balloons launching and flying in and around the Estate grounds, dipping in and out of the lake!
Leading the pack of the balloons were our very own Ricoh imagine.change. special shape, Keltbray, Renishaw, Barclays, Forntum & Mason, everyone’s favourite penguins Puddles and Splash and of course the ‘mane’ attraction Simbaloo, the Longleat Lion.
Social media exploded with pictures of the night glow and balloons floating against the stunning backdrop of Longleat, all with the hash tag SkySafari.
We would like to say a huge thank you to Longleat for hosting us, to all of our fantastic team who we could not have done this event without and of course to all of the crowds that came and supported this event.
See you in 2017!