RICOH Helps Launch The First Oswestry Balloon Festival
The first Oswestry Balloon Festival took place this weekend and greeting visitors at The British Ironworks Centre was our famous RICOH special shape hot air balloon.
Organised by UK manufacturer Lindstrand Technologies who are basked in Oswestry; forty balloons took to the skies for the inaugural event on the Bank Holiday weekend, which saw blue skies, sunshine and light winds.
Friday saw the first flight of the event and the press were on site to cover this story. The Ricoh imagine.change. balloon welcomed the town’s Mayor; Paul Milner who was amongst the first to fly out from the launch site and enjoy the surrounding views.
With flights scheudled for morning and evening on both Saturday, Sunday and Monday and a fantastic night glow on Sunday evening, this event attracted upto 10,000 visitors over the weekend. In addtion to this, the only balloon tethering througout the days for the crowds was our giant red cube and this was the first thing you saw as you arrived and parked your car!